This is a pretty powerful thing, and even more powerful if you buy the idea that actually "feeling good" is the generating core of all positivity in our lives, even if feeling good when things aren't may be the hardest thing to do of all.
Dwell on shit? You get shit. Generate good feelings and emit frequencies of positivity? Get more.
I don't want to get preachy or try to sound like I'm spelling it all out (just learning myself), but if anyone is interested in finding out more I suggest checking out "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" by Deepak Chopra and "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.
This isn't religious dogma or the or the 10-Steps of XENU The Lava-God (sorry, Scientologists), but something I wanted to share if anyone is looking for some new thoughts or perspective.
This is life stuff.
Thanks for reading,
Agreed! Just make it happen!!
I'm really bummed I missed the show, but with George gone, I've been double swamped! :(
Catch up with ya' soon!
Would Hitler be an argument for or against your theory?
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